Apr 12, 2006

Prodi’s Priority Inversion

That foreign policy alone will not win you elections is probably an empirically valid observation from both Western Europe and North America. Hence, unsurprisingly, foreign policy usually surfaces in campaigns as a secondary or tertiary issue which most facia a facia debates between political contestants clearly prove. In light of the above today’s night will probably mark a historical exception.

Piazza Maggiore, Bologna, the alma mater of il professore, the everlasting stronghold of the left was the natural choice to host today’s victory rally of the centrosinistra. So far no surprises. Slight amazement could have been caused by Prodi’s unusually vivid tone and excitement which clearly distinguished tonight’s speech from the Professore’s usually dull and timid public appearances. However, what all were impatiently awaiting was the litany of commitments the likely future PM would announce. First, as expected, came an unequivocal rejection, a powerful No! to Berlusconi’s offer to form a great coalition. What followed was in its own right exceptional. Instead of submerging in the domestic conundrum, Prodi fired out with his foreign policy agenda. Greater engagement in EU affairs, assumption of a leadership role in the Mediterranean, increasing aid transfers to developing countries, commitment to peace and withdrawal from Iraq. Apart from the last point, all of the other foreign policy commitments are certainly not something the average voter would consider as being of pivotal importance. Especially following such a heated campaign which centred predominantly around domestic issues. Unemployment, economic growth, industrial policy came only as second on his list.

Inspired by tonight’s speech one willingly exclaims: Europa Riparte!
But let's not get deveived by words. Pure rhetoric will not automatically translate into a come-back of courageous, far-sighted, Pan European leadership. The crude reality is that visionary European politics requires strong national foundations. Given yesterday’s results, Italian foundations seem particularly fragile. Therefore, tonight’s priority inversion will probably straighten out much sooner than Prodi would want.


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