Apr 8, 2006


So we’ve come to the end… Personally, I must admit to have greatly profited from the campaign— not only did I learn to swear in Italian thanks to Silvio (coglioni votano per la sinistra), but I was reminded about the cannibal practices of Chinese communists and was instructed that EU and UN observers should follow elections not only in Belarus and the Ukraine but also here in Italy.
Similarly instructive lessons stemmed from the Polish election campaign last fall. The main thrust of the campaign was the sad fait of the citizens of Gdansk and Western Poland who during WWII were forcefully recruited into the Wehrmacht.
Unfortunately, in both campaigns I did not learn much about how the respective political parties planned to rule the country. Just think what were/are the campaigns' facts the voters have based their decisions on.
Pretty frightening…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what we call media-democracy. No more facts. No more discussion. Just PR and Marketing. ..and this goes worldwide.

9:27 AM  
Blogger jasiek said...

some ahve also called it the super-star syndrome, which is seen to define the dynamics of politics, business, media, culture etc. Content and team effort are secondary to individual appearence and perceived capabilities.

11:24 AM  

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